Custom Internal League
So many events have been cancelled during this pandemic. Luckily, tennis is, by nature, a socially distant sport. And given the wide array of restrictions across regions, we are offering a custom small group league for your club. An internal league with no requirement of visitors and a format to allow safe play inside your club. Club and team registration is free.
TennisFolder provides all the tools you need to effectively manage tennis season logistics, easily communicate with club members, and advertise events and promotions for your club – all from one convenient dashboard! Specific features are available for customization, to fit your club’s needs.

Club Hub
A customized page for your club, allowing you to feature club-related announcements, events, and promotions.

In-house events
Build a Create custom events for your club, including lessons, clinics, socials, in-house leagues and more. Feature club-related announcements, events, and promotions.

Local Leagues
Easily manage local leagues with customizable formats to allow club members to enjoy league tennis without the traditional headaches that come with leagues.
Internal League
Want to host a fun recreational internal tennis league? You are in the right place. Our leagues are fully customizable for your club and member requirements.
League Details
League can be created as an internal league or across a couple neighborhood clubs/venues. The format is designed based on the membership of the club to maximuze member participation. We will host a Registration period for teams to register. Once the Registration period closes, the schedules will be published and the team captains will be responsible to schedule their HOME matches according to the weekly schedule that gets published.
For detailed league rules, click LEAGUE RULES
Note: League rules can further be customized to ensure county guidelines and club rules are followed.
League Costs
Team Registration is free. Once the team is registered, the captain can invite players to roster on their team. Each player pays $9.99 to roster on the team for the season. The mobile app download is free.