People should be able to work hard and play hard without spending their free time organizing their sports. SportFolder enables teams to effortlessly manage the logistics of their game throughout the season and for everyday athletes to connect and play their favorite sport together. That is why we created TennisFolder, the app for tennis lovers.
Community based sports are the foundation of our social fabric, where friends meet and build lives together, staying healthy mentally and physically fit in the process.

Be a Team Player
Work hard. Have fun. Be social. Support your team. Inspire confidence and ensure the future of the game.

Play Fair
Promote sportsmanship. Honesty and integrity make sport and life more rewarding.

Connect with Athletes
Support your sport. Meet other players. Make new friends.

Support Community Spirit
Volunteer. Give back. Keep facilities in good repair. Make time for the game.

Kavita Snyder
CEO & Founder
Always an avid sports and fitness enthusiast, Kavita Snyder brings 20+ years of computer industry experience, business acumen, and passion for life changing technology together in SportFolder. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from San Jose State University and lives in Capitola, California with her three beautiful children.